KRONOS Clock-Out Time Calculator
Use this form to determine when you need to clock out of Kronos to avoid overtime.
- Set the Desired Time box to the amount of time you need to earn today. Normally it should be 8.0 but you can adjust this if you need to in order to compensate for overtime worked on a previous day in order to get back 'on track'. For example, if you worked 8.5 yesterday, set this to 7.5.
- The rest of the times can be found on your timecard in Kronos. Fill these in and click on the 'When Should I Clock Out?' button. This will generate the earliest and latest time you can clock out in order to get the number of hours desired.
- Times should be entered in 12HR format without AM/PM. You don't have to put a leading 0 in front of single digit hours (i.e., 1:00 can be entered as 01:00 or 1:00). If you enter an incorrect value, the box will turn red letting you know to fix it. To reset the form, simply enter a new value in one of the boxes.
For an explanation of how KRONOS rounds and calculates time, click here. This was used as a guide for developing this script.
(Linked document originally appeared here:
This document also contains an explanation of how KRONOS rounds and calculates time.
*Updated June 4, 2017: Fixed a bug that affected the correct calculation of lunch times for certain inputs. Also fixed disappearing button when attempting to re-use inputs
Developed by Ryli Dunlap
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